Matilde Duus  *  b. 1983  *  Currently living and working from Svendborg, DK





Matilde Duus (b. 1983, Århus, DK) is a visual artist educated at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts,DK, (2008-2014), and Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg, (2012).

Matildes body of work including both wall based and sculptural pieces, all of which are articulations of the
most basic element in her practice; exploring the spatial properties of the two dimensional. Matildes preferred material is glass, often combined with other materials as metal, naturrock, paper or photomaterial.

Working with glass allowes Matilde to not only form spatial objects existing in their own right, but to explore the phenomenological nuances of the glass’ transparency and its ability to encapsulate and capture other objects. This interaction between material and motif, between form and subject, is central to her work. The qualities of the material points to the subject matter, which in turn points back to the material. Her work becomes poetic manifestations, or renderings, of these interconnections.

Matilde is currently working on a large-scale commission for Sydhavns-kvarteret in Århus, developed through a close interdisciplinary collaboration with SHL architects.The project aims to be produced in recycled building materials to develop and inspire new sustainable solutions in the construction industry. This without compromising with the artistic quality. The piece due to be finished medio 2026.

The artists works are represented in the public collections of the Danish Arts Foundation in Denmark and Copenhagen Municipality. 

Public and Site specific works include Banedanmark, Ringsted, Denmark (2020), UCSyd, Kolding, Denmark (2022) and Sydhavnskvarteret, Århus, Denmark (forthcoming)

Matilde Duus is represented by BRICKS gallery, Copenhagen, DK


Forthcoming / Current Projects:


Seeing Through

Groupshow w Matilde Duus, Mikkel Kaldal & Caroline Thon 

Lene Bilgrav Gallery, Århus

28.02 05.04.2025



Public commission, made in collaboration with SHL architects 

Sydhavnskvarteret, Århus, DK


Public Commission

Langhauen VGS, Bergen,NO


INSITU Work / Public Collections:


included in permanent hanging at Denmarks Export- and Investment fund (EIFO), 2 works

(selected by IN SITU)


Included in permanent hanging in Ganni stores in Copenhagen, Paris og Hamborg, 3 works


included in the permanent collection of The Danish ArtCounsil, 6 works


Tunge dråber eller tårer fra havet

INSITU Public Commission, UCSyd, Kolding, DK

Cubo Architects / Statens Kunstfond


included in the permanent collection of Copenhagen Visual Arts Council, 1 work


Den rejsende, den vægtløse

INSITU Public Commission, Banedanmark, Ringsted, DK

Henning Larsen Arkitekter/ BYGST


included in permanent hanging at The Danish Building and Property Agency, Kalvebod brygge, DK, 2 works

(Selected by Creator Projects)


included in permanent hanging atMid and West Jutland Police Headquarters, Holstebro, DK, 8 works

(Selected by Lars Rahbek)

Solo Exhibitions:


En dag blir strømmen langsommere / One day the current will slow

- curated by Henriette Nørmark

Format Oslo, NO


TRØST / Solace


BRICKS Gallery, Copenhagen, DK


Den Sidste Vinter / The last winter

M100, Odense, DK


The Inverted Image

BRICKS Gallery, Cph, DK


Collecting Hole

Magasin Lotus, Cph, DK


Vinduet I brystet

Skt. Hans Have, Roskilde, DK


En verden uden sol; / A world without sun ;

c4, Cph, DK

Paper Beats Rock

LARMgallery, Cph, DK


Selected Group Exhibitions


BUILDING BRICKS - Celebrating 5 years

BRICKS Gallery, DK

Juleutstillingen 2024

Kunstnerforbunnet, Oslo, NO


BRICKS gallery, DK

(groupshow curated by Amanda Dam)

Art Herning

Artfair w BRICKS gallery, Herning, DK



Kunstnerforbundet, Oslo

I & We III

Lednicke Rovn, Slowakia

(Groupshow arranged by S12, Lednicke Rovne og RONA glassfactory)

ENTER Art Fair 2023

Art Fair w BRICKS Gallery, CPH, DK

I & We II

BWA, Wroclaw, Polen

(Groupshow curated by Mika Drozdowska)

Great Small Works II

Stephane Siemoens Gallery, Knokke, Belgium

(group show)

Art Herning

Artfair w BRICKS gallery, Herning, DK


Havet imellem os

Eksrummet, Kbh, DK

(Duo w Mette Nisgaard Larsen)

Enter Artfair 2022 w. BRICKS Gallery

Københavnerstykker: Rådet for Visuel Kunst 2018-2021

Nikolaj Kunsthal, Copenhagen, Denmark

I & We

S12 Gallery, Bergen, NO

(Groupshow curated by Mika Drozdowska)


Dronninglund Kunstcenter, DK

(Groupshow curated by Connie Boe Boss)


Netting Rooms

Gallery Møller Witt, Copenhagen, DK

(Groupshow with Nanna Riis Andersen, Eva Steen Christensen og Matilde Duus)

The Travel in Space II

Marie Kirkegård Gallery, CPH, DK

(Groupshow with Claus Hugo Nielsen, Ellen Hyllemose, Johanne Skovbo Lasgaard, Louise Sparre, Matilde Duus, Nina Nowak, Rene Schmidt

- - - Curated by Johanne Skovbo Lasgaard og Louise Sparre)



X-bunker, Sønderborg, DK

(Groupshow with Matilde Duus (DK), Marcel Grosse (DE), Matthias Grotevent (DE),  Nina Nowak (DE),

 Christine Overvad (DK), Kirstine Roepstorff (DK), Nils Elvebakk Skalegård (NO/DK), Lucia Sotnikova (RUS/DE)

- - - Curated by Nina Nowak og Matilde Duus)

Enter Artfair, Copenhagen

w. BRICKS Gallery

The Travel in Space

KH7artspace, Aarhus

(Groupshow with Claus Hugo Nielsen, Ellen Hyllemose, Johanne Skovbo Lasgaard, Louise Sparre, Matilde Duus, Nina Nowak, Rene Schmidt

- - - Curated by Johanne Skovbo Lasgaard og Louise Sparre)

Udstillingen er præmieret af Statens Kunstfond

Great Small Works

Stephane Simoens, Knokke, Belgium


Du er en bevægelse, du er et mønster, du er en stor tung ting

Hvidovre Hovedbibliotek, DK

(duoshow w. Mette Nisgaard Larsen)



Galleri CC, Malmø, SE





In Dialogue

Fredericia Furniture, Cph, DK

(Groupshow curated by Henriette Nørmark)


Kolonihaveforeningen ABC, Rødovre, DK

(Groupshow with Matilde Duus, Felia Gram Hanssen and Nina Nowak)



(Groupshow with Matilde Duus, Mikkel Ørsted, Pernille Kapper Williams, Signe Jais, Julie Boserup, Jakob Hunosøe and Jeanette Hillig)

One day     

CGK Kulturgeneratoren, Cph, DK

(Groupshow with Matilde Duus, Jon Erik Nyholm, NDRAP Development / Jens Ivar Kjetså, Nanna Starck

- - - Curated by Agnete Bertram)





Tableau, Copenhagen, DK

(Groupshow with Nicola Samori, Jesper Skov Madsen, Kaspar Oppen Samuelsen, Ismar Cirkinagic, Tony Matelli and Gavin Turk 

- - - Curated by Lars Rahbek)

Flyvende Fluer

Den nordiske ambassade, DK

(Duoshow w. Morten Modin)


Into The Wild

Huset for Kunst og Design, Holstebro, DK

(Groupshow curated by Anna Bak)

Holy Matter

Litteraturhaus, CPH, DK

(Groupshow curated by Viktoria Wendel Skovsen and Julie Riis Andersen)

Art Rotterdam  (fair)

w. Pablos Birthday

Mediated Matter

Kunthal Charlottenborg, CPH, Dk

(grouphow curated by Martin Erik Andersen & Karen Harsbo)


SE, Århus, DK

(Duoshow w. Julie Stavad)

Matilde Duus + Karsten Konrad

Pablos Birthday, NY



Grants and Recidencies:

2023           1-year work grant, BKV, NO

                    Artist Assistent Grant (employer), kulturadet, NO

                    Danish Arts Foundation, work grant

2022           1-year work grant,  BKV, NO

2021           Grant of Honor, Kunstfondet af 1973

                    Danish Arts Foundation, work grant

2020           Præmiering ( Danish Arts Foundation) of the exhibition The travel In Spaces, KH7

2019           Danish Art Workshops, Metal Workshop

2018           Artist-in-Recidency, CCA Andratx, Mallorca

                    Danish Arts Foundation, work grant,

2016-17     Bikuben Fondens Legat Atelier 2016-17

2017           Danish Arts Foundation, work grant

                    Artist-in-Recidency, Nida Art Colony, Vilnius, LTU

2016           L.F. Foghts Fond

                    Danish Arts Foundation, work grant

                    Artist in Residency, Danish Arts Foundations Program, SALT in Istanbul, Turkey

                    Grosses Treffen, Portfolio Review, the Nordic embassies Berlin

2015           Artist in Recidency, Dansk Kunstnerråds Kunstnerbolig, Hirsholm, DK

2014           Grant of Honor, Den Hielmstierne-Rosencroneske Stiftelse 


Founder & responsibly of the exhibition platform

Den nordiske ambassade




2008-2014    The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Art, MFA     

2012              Valand Academy, University of Gothenburg

2019              Course: Project management as Art Consultant w/ Christina Prip and Camilla Hedegaard Møller,

                       organized by BKF, DK

2023              Course: Art Centre's Art Consulting Course modul 1, Viken, NO, 



Member of:

Kunstnersamfundet, DK

Billedkunstnernes Fagforbund, DK

Billedhoggerforeningen, NO

Norske Billedkunstnere, NO